Miguel Bernal is a living encyclopedia of Cuban rhythms and folklore. At his grandmother’s side, Miguel was exposed to Lucumi (aka Santaria) traditions in his youth and developed a love for the traditions and rhythms. Trained by Pito El Gago, Miguel was the principal percussionist for 20 years with “Raices Profundas,” a folkloric dance company that served as the cultural ambassador from Cuba to the rest of the world. Committed to preserving the authentic integrity of Cuban rhythms, Miguel has taught at Universities throughout the US, teaching both folkloric and popular genres of percussion. As one of the founders of “Explorations in Afro Cuban Music and Dance,” he taught percussion at the Humboldt State sponsored camp for many years. Collaborating with other top notch percussionists, Miguel was featured in “Drum Jam” and “Caramelo,” and more recently in a series of folkloric recordings featuring Lazaro Pedroso, renowned Cuban singer and author. Although Miguel is based in the US, he continues to spend as much time as he can in Cuba with his family, and is still revered as one of the most sought after Bataleros (player of the sacred bata drums) from Havana.